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Managing Room Bookings from the Dashboard

From your Room Bookings Dashboard you can view and approve room requests as well as view, print, and cancel upcoming room bookings.


To access you Room Bookings Dashboard:

  1. Click on the Home tab and then on Overview.
  2. Select the Room Bookings tab to view the Room Bookings Dashboard.

Room Requests

The Room Bookings Dashboard and the Room Requests tab are available to all users that have permissions set to Approve Room Booking Requests. This tab on the dashboard shows all room booking requests that are awaiting approval.

  1. Hover your mouse over the record and click Book It to approve the event and book it on the calendar.
  2. To decline a request, click Reject. You will have the option to enter Rejection Notes and a Rejection Reason that will be visible to the event organizer.
  3. You can select multiple events to book or reject using the check boxes on the left side of the list or the Select All option above the list.
  4. Each event has an indicator showing if the room is available at the requested time or if there is a conflicting event. *Note: The times for Setup and Tear Down tasks will also be included when checking for conflicts.


  1. To view more detailed information for the event including the Room Setup and Tear Down tasks, click on the Event Name. You can change the status of the event from this screen by clicking on the Request status box and selecting Booked, On Hold, Cancelled, or Completed.

7 Day Outlook

The 7 Day Outlook tab is available to users with the Edit Existing Room Bookings permission.

  1. This list shows a breakdown of events for the next 7 days and groups the bookings by room and then time of day.
  2. Indicators show if there are known event conflicts or if there could be potential conflicts should an event run longer than scheduled.
  3. Using the links on the right side of the event, you can:
    1. Print a room booking summary that includes all details of the event, reserved equipment, and setup/tear down tasks. Choose to print as a PDF or Word document.
    2. Mark the event Complete. Enter Completed Notes if needed once the event has concluded.
    3. Cancel the event. You have the option to add Cancellation Notes and a Cancellation Reason that will be available for the Organizer to view.

All Upcoming

All Booked and On Hold events with a booking date of today or greater will be listed here. This is a great place to start if you need to search for a future event.


Click this tab to list upcoming events in the next 7 days that include catering requests.

Awaiting Completion

All past Booked and On Hold events will be listed here waiting to be marked Complete.

How to batch update the room booking organizer

You can update the organizer for multiple room bookings at the same time.

  1. Check the box next to each room booking you would like to update.

  2. Click on the Update Organizer link.

  3. Begin typing in the Update Organizer To search field and select the new organizer.

  4. Click Save.